The 2011 conference of the Catholic Theological Association on Catholic Social Teaching was held from 5th to 8th September 2011 at St Mary’s University College, Strawberry Hill. Again, numbers were high (79) and a pleasing number of first-time delegates attended. Beginning with an overview of the core documents from Donal Dorr, there followed a series of stimulating papers from Michael Kirwan (Liberation Theology & CST), David MacLoughlin (Scripture & CST), Frank Turner (The EU/ European Project & CST), Celia Deane-Drummond (Ecology & CST), Anna Rowlands (Asylum/ Immigration & CST) and Ashley Beck (Catholic Radical Tradition/ Dorothy Day).
A wide variety of short-papers enriched proceedings with Joe Sullivan winning ‘Best Title’ award for ’Coby-Ziggy Fleet and Heterodox Augustinianism’ – a paper comparing theological preparation at the Gregorian with pastoral realities in Scotland. As well as the AGM, conference also included discussion of the new translation of the Liturgy, a guided visit to the newly refurbished Strawberry Hill house, conference dinner in the Waldegrave Drawing Room and convivial evening revels. In the final plenary, Karen Kilby (President) expressed thanks to all the organisers for the success of the conference and Mass was celebrated for deceased members in the University College Chapel. Papers will be made available to members through New Blackfriars.