
2016: Sensus Fidelium – Listening for the Echo

5th-8th September 2016
The Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick

After the First Vatican Council, John Henry Newman hesitated before accepting what the Council had to say about papal infallibility. He was, said Lord Acton, “waiting for the echo”. Acton understood, as many before and since have failed to do, that it is not the business of those whom we call “teachers” in the Church to tell us things we did not know, but to articulate, interpret, clarify, the faith we have in common. Nothing can become “the teaching of the Church” unless and until the People of God as a whole “echo” the expression: react to it with something like “Yes”, “Amen”, “that’s it”.

This echo is sensus fidelium and the 2016 CTA Annual Conference discussed and reflected on its implications for the ongoing life of the Church. You can read the Conference Report here.

Next year’s Conference will be held in Durham from 4th to 7th September 2017.

The CTA is always ready to welcome new members who are actively involved in some way in the promotion of theology through their teaching.