Now that the Association has updated its website and online mailing system, we are better able to keep in contact with members and to keep you all updated about relevant news, events and resources in the field of Catholic Theology.
We can now bring together a collection of items all at once, including multiple attachments that link to online versions of flyers, calls for papers, and event details. To do this most efficiently we are currently gathering items of information together approximately every three weeks.
So, if you’d like to advertise an event or a new book, please keep two things in mind:
1. Send us your advert at least three weeks in advance of your event deadline, to make sure your event can be included in a mailout in a timely fashion.
2. When you send us the info, please include a no more than 75 word summary paragraph that includes all the key details. You can also add attachments too and we’ll link those in at the relevant parts of the paragraph.
This will hopefully make everything run more swiftly and smoothly, and make sure all members are getting ample time to participate in our active Catholic theological community across the country.